Sunday, May 11, 2008

How Do They Do that?!

Contemplations from Florida...

It ceases to baffle me how Reality Shows here are just soooooo pervasive. I mean really.....People seem to have no problem revealing/sharing all to the world aroud them.
Most seem to do it for want of fame...
Others seem to do it to try to prove something to someone...
And then there are those who seem to do it as a way to convince themselves of their worth...

There are "Makeover" shows to help you look good - supposedly on the inside as well.
So if you've been through something traumatic or are going through a tough phase or are just plain bored/depressed in life, then with new clothes, a new hairstyle and good makeup, hey presto! It's the new beautiful you...yaeeeeee!

Then in the "Relationship" shows:
Men battle men in the hopes of impressing their Lady Love - through sheer display of materialistic wealth: big house + many cars + lavish dinners + ....(you get the picture) = a chance at a happy life

Women battle women in the hopes of capturing the heart of their supposed Soulmate: If he thinks she's not thin enough, she'll stop eating; if he thinks she's not dressed right, she'll get it right ("right"="skimpier"); she'll pout and cry and be mean to all the other girls - just so she can win "her" man.

And for those who lose out...well, they always get to hear the "It's not's me" line at the end as they go away disappointed at losing the battle....