Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hulla Bullah in "IT"

So it looks like in the face of another 'slowdown', college campuses across India are suddenly not seeing truckloads of students being had seemingly become the norm.

Panic Panic - you've spent 4 years studying whatever and now you just might not be making it to that oh-so-lucrative IT career. My take: It's all for the better.

I say - GET OVER this "IT craze" folks......honestly, this is the best time to de-machine-ize yourself, step out of the zombie atmosphere and rat race..and figure out what you really want to do.
The problem: people think you get a job in IT - and the next thing is you're jet setting across the world - visiting exotic places and raking in some moolah too.
The reality:
--> You might be jet setting somewhere, but what the heck are you doing? A lot of times, people are so desperate to go "onsite" that they agree to do any crappy work - and then go there, realize what's happening and start cribbing that they don't have the "role" they want.

-->Most times, there is NO "roadmap" for an individual i.e. the reality in a company having like 85000 employees is that HR or the Resource Manager may give the gyaan that "we have a plan..a roadmap for you. You'll do A for the first 6 months and then you'll go to B from where you can continue to do C". Ya right!

--> There's no "grooming" being done - that's what i think is one of the biggest problems today. Scores and scores of students are getting recruited - they're trained technically - they're whizkids when it comes to solving technical problems.
But soft skills and etiquette??!!! How to present NOT to pick your nose in to resist speaking in regional languages when in the presence of the client (or in fact, in the presence of fellow employees of other regions) NOT to wear formal shirt/pant with sports shoes for God's sake...the list can go on and on.