Monday, February 27, 2012

To fight or not to fight.....

Should I fight? Or should I give in?

Questions that constantly baffle me.
How do i voice my disagreement with my MIL without getting the usual reaction from her (a stare..sudden disbelief that she's being disagreed with!).

I'm supposed to be very good at diplomacy - numerous people have told me this at work. My hubby thinks the same as well. So he asks, 'Why can't you be diplomatic at home too?'

It's true. I seem to have a much more emotional reaction when my MIL says something than when someone else would. It's been nearly 4 years now of living with the in-laws....and at times I feel like I have no say in how the house is run. If I want to change something in the kitchen, MIL says "no, it's been like that for so changing it"; If I want to buy new vessels, MIL wants to only go to the shop she's been going to for 20+ years; And as for cooking.....forget going there! That is MIL's DOMAIN husband had to fight with her a few sundays ago to make an omelette for everyone (she kept saying he doesn't know the "right" way to do it). 

And then again I i figure why bother? So what if I can't have a say in some things....let the in-laws do it! I can focus on other things....and on my interests. These days everytime I feel like having an outburst, I just tell myself "Calm down...breathe're way more mature than this!". 
What they say is true: Once you get really old, you start acting more and more like a in-laws can really act kiddish sometimes. So let them be!