Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Random Muses...Of the Corporate Kind

ü More number of years of experience in an industry does not necessarily make you a better manager

ü It’s easy to get into a comfort zone; to go with the flow - just do enough to get by, and in turn feel threatened when you meet someone (man or woman) who’s motivated and willing to go the extra mile

ü An organization I am familiar with insists that all its employees average 9.5 hours at the office every week – it’s supposed to increase productivity, help in bonding, blah blah

My take:
-->When there’s less work to do, people find ways to goof off: When they’re not taking 2 hour coffee breaks, employees go to movies in office time; Or go home for a few hours and then come back.
-->Employees sometimes just stay back in office - after all, there’s good food, access to the Internet and most probably a gym and ping pong table too!

ü As long as you don’t speak out i.e. as long as you don’t voice your own opinion (at some point in your corporate life), you will eventually become a sitting duck, who nods his/her head to whatever their Manager says

ü A near perfect looking resume still does not tell you much about the person – It would be the body language of the person that said the most

ü Skills in Microsoft Powerpoint and Excel are extremely important. You might be the Knowledge Guru in your domain; but it’s equally important to know how to format a document (paragraph justification, consistent fonts and size), use correct grammar and present it well

ü Don’t be swayed by the decision of the majority; be “alert” - observe those around, and listen carefully; and sometimes, it’s good to hold back a little and not blurt out those words you’re just dying to say (good or bad!).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmm ... definitely "food for thought" ;)