Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday April 20, 7.40am @ London
“Operation Revival”

So I’ve been on a hiatus on my blogging – I haven’t blogged in what seems like light years! Unfortunately there’s no valid reason other than the usual “very little time” stuff…..but seriously, I guess it’s just that after spending 9 hours a day in front of a computer at work, I’m yet to get passionate enough of blogging to have to come home and make some time to sit in front of another machine and blog away.

However, now that I have a laptop of my own I keep telling myself I really have no excuse to not blog. In fact, I’ve told (and keep telling) all those who ask me about my blog that I will get back very soon.

And finally, the day hath arrived. I am putting in an entry – the first one, I hope, of many more to come. Sitting comfortably currently at London’s Heathrow airport (en route to the You Yess of Yai for work), I have 3 hours to kill. I haven’t had much sleep on the previous 9.5 hour flight …and I didn’t eat too much either….Then I step off the plane into the oh-so-glooomy English weather ….and finally Mr. Hubby isn’t around right now to hear my comments/cribbing/critiques/suggestions .......but then there’s the “blog” – ahhh an outlet for my frustration/tiredness/relief blah blah

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yippeee ... good to see you're back, high time anyway!

And, oh that poor hubby of yours ... what he has to put up with, hmmmm .......