Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another week

Well, it’s the 2nd day of another week – one more week seems to be whizzing by.
Felt pretty groggy today in the morning getting up and getting to work – esp since had a dinner out last night and got back late (well, ‘late’ by my usual standards which means I hadn’t hit the sack by the usual 10.30-10.45pm). Thought of getting up at 5am as usual (to catch my 6.40am bus to work) – but ditched the idea and woke up at 6.15am instead.

On the way to work, was going through a blitz of thoughts, as usual.
Like why do I continue to be in a job where everyday of my 5 day week I have to leave home at 6.45am, reach back home around 7.30pm (after a 2 hour office-home journey) and then take office calls until about 9pm!
And I really don’t think the job I’m in is even my ‘calling’! The money’s good sure, but I’m no longer bothered about hikes, progressions etc. Want to get out!

I want to break free.....there goes Queen again!

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