Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Proactively Reacting....?

So I'm reading my horoscope for today and it's telling me to basically take a chill pill - "Care less, worry less, relax more....and interestingly, strive to avoid prejudice, passion..and paranoia".
Now I'm not really a live-my-life-the-way-my-horoscope-tells-me-to kind of person.
But the words couldn't help resonating considering the kind of start to my day that i had - talk about miscommunication!
MIL* expected me to do one thing - which I had not heard her say I should do. So I left to work not doing it...and turns out it was a 'shock horror' situation. Husband knew about me having to do it, but didn't mention it to me in the morning because he thought I had already done it! So i got to work...MIL called me and spoke to me...and I got irritated because I think home discussions should be had at home (unless it's urgent). Don't see the point of me being in office and MIL telling me blah blah when I'm surrounded by work, co-workers etc.

Anyways, i've decided to let it go. But I'm through just half my morning right now. I have a feeling once I get back home today, MIL will inevitably bring it up again.Don't want to react before she even says something!!


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